From Goodreads:
Sam Kinnison is a geek, and he’s totally fine with that. He has his horror movies, his nerdy friends, World of Warcraft – and until Princess Leia turns up in his bedroom, he doesn’t have to worry about girls.
Then Sam meets Camilla. She’s beautiful, friendly and completely irrelevant to his life. Sam is determined to ignore her, except that Camilla has a life of her own – and she’s decided that he’s going to be part of it.
Sam believes that everything he needs to know he can learn from the movies … but now it looks like he’s been watching the wrong ones.
My Review…
Cute nerd guy alert.
Guys can be so… clueless that I almost feel sorry for them. Reading Life in Outer Space is actually a breath of fresh air. I enjoyed the male POV for a change and I admit that I was a bit relieved that this book is more into romance than sci-fi. This book is geeky in a very charming way and I just adore every moment.
I really thought that everything in this novel is slow though. The pacing, the romance… I thought nothing would happen until the very last page. Usually, I have a tendency to DNF books that are a snail’s pace. But Sam is so hard to let go. And I really enjoyed Melissa Keil’s writing. In fact, she reminds me of Rainbow Rowell with the way she writes. It was quirky, and witty and totally honest. That’s why I enjoyed Sam’s monologue, it was so entertaining to read. At first I thought the male POV is gonna put me off but surprise, surprise! It was amusing and very much enjoyable to read.
I love how there’s no Insta-love or Insta-attraction that happened. Sam’s thoughts was consumed by his favorite movies and video games and all things nerdy. It was adorable. Sam is adorable and so is his friends, who I think, wasn’t given that much exposure. Mike…. I love Mike. He’s gay but that doesn’t stop me but from having a crush on him. I love his story and I wish he has his own book because his character is just simply incredible.
I don’t even have the slightest comment on Camilla because I didn’t like her.. that much. She was not annoying or anything but I didn’t connect to her at all. I guess that’s partly because Sam didn’t do a good job of introducing Camilla to me through his POV.
Overall, Life in Outer Space was a very entertaining read. I pretty much enjoyed everything if it wasn’t so slow. The writing is enjoyable, the dialogues are entertaining and the characters are hilarious. This book is full of humor and even though you’re not a nerd or a geek…you will still end up liking it.
I have a big problem with insta-love so it’s great it’s not the case here but I understand the problem with the pacing, I tend to do like you or I start jumping through the pages… not a good thing either but it’s great that in the end it was a nice discovery.
Melliane recently posted…Celine’s adventures: Lux saga, Books 2, 3, 4 by Jennifer L. Armentrout
So glad I’m not the only one, Melliane! I tend to DNF a book that puts me to sleep
And you’re welcome!!
I loved Life in Outer Space, I think I have a special place in my heart for nerdy boys
And I loved the way the romance was done too… I read it a very long time ago, though, and I can’t remember at all what I thought of Camilla.

I’m glad you enjoyed this, even if it could have been more if you were able to connect with Camille in a deeper way, Cristina.
Happy reading
Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday #35 – Lion’s Share
Hi Lexxie! I’m glad you loved this book. Yeah, it sucks about Camilla. I think I would’ve love the book even more if I got to know her more. Thanks for stopping by
I’m a total geek and this totally appeals to me, Sam sounds like such a nerdy sweetheart! Thanks for the review Paula.
Jeann @ Happy Indulgence recently posted…Unwanted by Amanda Holohan Review: Unique but slow dystopian
Yay! you’re welcome, Jeann. I hope you get to read it soon. Thanks for stopping by
I got this books for Christmas! It’s good to hear that it isn’t cheesy but instead a really endearing story. I hate that it’s slow thought sometimes I get impatient with slow books but I might suffer through it for the cute nerdy characters. Perfect review!
Taylor Hill recently posted…Guilty Pleasures: We All Have Them But Should We be Ashamed of Them
Thank you Taylor!!! It is kind of slow, but the characters make up for it
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You can do it if you want to, or whatever reviewer wants to
Victoria recently posted…Thursday Quotables (#2)
Great review! I don’t mind the slow pace of books as long as the writing or narration style makes up for it. Slow pace books are so good to read when the narration is deep and complex, full of wit and style.
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