Favorite Books 2014 (Part 2)

A few months ago, I posted about my favorite books  that I’ve read so far in 2014. I thought I’d end the year with a post about the rest of my favorite books. These aren’t necessarily books that came out in 2014, but ones that I read in 2014.

Fangirl and also Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell!! I absolutely adored these books & they were the first books I’ve read by this author. Can’t wait to read more of her books!



I liked Anna & the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, but I loved Lola & the Boy Next Door & also Isla & the Happily Ever After.



I don’t think I’ve read a book by Jill Shalvis that I didn’t love, and Rumor Has It was no exception! It’s sweet, fluffy, and fun!


The same can be said of Beth Ciotta, I don’t think I’ve read something of hers that I didn’t love. I was thrilled that she came out with a new book/new series! I loved Beauty & the Biker! Can’t wait for the next in the series!


Denise Grover Swank is another favorite author, and I was fortunate enough to get an ARC of her new book (also the 1st in a new series), The Substitute. I enjoyed it very much, and again can’t wait until the next one!

the substitute

So, that is part 2 of my favorite reads of this year. Apparently, I was on a romance kick the last part of the year since I think all of these are romance. No matter, I really enjoyed them and would read them again and again.  *shrugs*

What are some of your favorite books this year?




  1. says

    I think you already know how I feel about Rainbow Rowell!!! *throws confetti in the air* Eleanor & Park and Fangirl are so good…they just pack a little punch that stays with you. You might enjoy Attachments and while it wasn’t my absolute favorite, I did enjoy it. I hope to read Landline soon!!! May 2015 bring you more fabulous reads! ♥

    • Tricia says

      I’m hoping to read both of those soon! I hope I love them as much as the others, definitely don’t want to be disappointed! Hope 2015 brings you fabulous reads as well! :-)

  2. says

    Ditto Eleanor & Park. I need to jot these down. I think I feel a fluffy romance period coming on. Some of my other favorites include: The Raven Boys Cycle, The Scorpio Raves (see what you did there?!), The Knife of Never Letting Go, Catherine the Great, and The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Happy New Year!!
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    • Tricia says

      I’m so glad you enjoy Maggie Stiefvater’s books as much as I do!! I liked The Knife of Never Letting Go but I didn’t love it — it was good though! Need to read the rest of that series! Thanks for stopping by!

    • Tricia says

      I liked Anna & the French Kiss, but I liked the other 2 sooo much better! I love Rainbow Rowell & want to read her other books!! Thanks for commenting! :-)

    • Tricia says

      Oh you HAVE to read Lola & the Boy Next Door & Isla & the Happily Ever After!! I thought they were even better than Anna!! I hope you read them soon & enjoy them! I don’t think you’ll be disappointed with Lola, LOL! Thanks for stopping by! :-)

    • Tricia says

      Happy New Year to you!! You definitely need to read Eleanor & Park — it’s amazing!! Oh & the Isla & Lola series too! I hope you read them all soon & I hope you adore them! Hope 2015 brings you many good reads!! Thanks for stopping by!! :-)

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