What Was the Last Book That Made You Cry?

What was the last book you read that made you cry or tear up? For me, it was Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell. It’s been on my TBR list for awhile, and I FINALLY read it! I absolutely loved it, but it got me all teary-eyed! I’ve heard so many great things about this book, that I just knew I would love it, but I wasn’t prepared for the tears too, LOL! Thankfully, I was reading at home late at night, so there were no witnesses – I hate crying or tearing up in public!


I don’t mind reading books that require tissues, but I kind of like being prepared for the tears and I have to be in the mood for that kind of book. Nicholas Sparks books (& movies) always get me – and usually it’s full on crying (yeah the ugly kind). So, I definitely have to be in the mood for lots of tears and have a full supply of tissues at the ready when I read one of his books! LOL!


Do you like to be prepared for when a book makes you cry or do you even read books that make you cry?



  1. says

    Rainbow Rowell is one of my all-time favorite authors! Love her!!! Eleanor & Park is seriously such a wonderful and beautiful story…I have the hardcover but I’m tempted to buy the special edition copy with the fan-art on the inside. ;)

    I don’t cry easily with books but a couple of stories that did make me reach for a tissue was The Fault in Our Stars by John Green and Written in My Own’s Heart Blood. And when I say I cried…I literally had to put the book down and take a moment.

    • Tricia says

      I really loved Eleanor & Park!! I borrowed it from the library, but I think it’s one that I’d like to add to my own library!

      TFiOS really got me too! I knew it would be an emotional one, but like you, I had to put it down and take a moment (& blow my nose & wipe my eyes, LOL!)!! I was blubbering a lot in the movie, too! I used to not cry easily, even with books, but now I find I’m tearing up more!!

      Thanks for sharing!! :-)

  2. says

    I cry during a lot of books and movies and I am used to it. I don’t need to be prepared. Ooooh Eleanor & Park! What a gem! So glad you read it!!! Lots of sobbing there. I am not a huge Nicolas Sparks fan, especially this new one (seriously, cheating?!?! Gross). But I even still tear up watching old Disney movies I have seen a million times.
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    • Tricia says

      LOVED Eleanor & Park so much!! But yeah, lots of tears!! I’ve been reading Sparks for a few years now, so I always have tissues ready for when I read his books! I don’t know if it’s my age or because I’m a mom or what (or all of the above) but I seem to cry easier now and tear up at most anything (commercials even!!)! I used to not cry easily and rarely while reading, now it’s almost totally opposite!! Glad that I’m not the only one, LOL! Thanks for stopping by!! :-)

    • Tricia says

      Ooh I’ve heard good things about Ugly Love! I agree her books have so many feels!! Can’t wait to read Ugly Love! Thanks for sharing!

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