The Fiery Cross (Outlander #5) by Diana Gabaldon

the fiery crossFrom goodreads:

The year is 1771, and war is coming. Jamie Fraser’s wife tells him so. Little as he wishes to, he must believe it, for hers is a gift of dreadful prophecy—a time-traveler’s certain knowledge. Claire’s unique view of the future has brought him both danger and deliverance in the past; her knowledge of the oncoming revolution is a flickering torch that may light his way through the perilous years ahead—or ignite a conflagration that will leave their lives in ashes.


I desperately wanted to give The Fiery Cross 4 glowing stars but I couldn’t.  When I say that I’m in love with this series, I mean it but this book failed in delivering the excitement we’ve come to expect from Diana Gabaldon.

DG is a talented and flawless writer but this book was mostly about the day-to-day minutiae that bored me to tears.  I kept reading because I’m invested in Jamie and Claire.  Their relationship is engaging and while these two have settled into daily life…the chemistry is still very much alive.

“Sorcha,” he whispered, and realized that he had called her so a moment before.  Now, that was odd; no wonder she had been surprised.  It was her name in Gaelic, but he never called her by it.  He liked the strangeness of her, the Englishness.  She was his Claire, his Sassenach.

However, there were things in the story I didn’t care about, Jemmy being one of them and Brianna’s lactating breasts were another. I simply did not care for Jemmy’s baby talk and I love kids in stories but I all I wanted to do was stick a pacifier in his mouth!  Don’t even get me started on Brianna’s hardening breasts. Yes, I said hardening. *eye-roll* I’m thinking DG must have been pregnant when she wrote this story.

It was so frustrating.  Frustrating because it was 1,400 pages!!!  Nothing was happening, so much trivial crap I didn’t care about was explained and I couldn’t figure out where the plot was hiding, it felt as though I was searching for Waldo!!! But it did get better.  The second half was slow to get going as well but that eventually changed around the 60’ish % mark.

With that being said, even though there were moments that I loved with great dialogue that only DG can deliver, the story still felt disjointed and boring. *heavy sigh* For those of you that want to read The Fiery Cross…hang in there because it is a tough book to finish but I’m glad I did and the last 10% of the book was AUH-MAZING!! That ending left me with so many questions but I think that’ll be answered in the next book.  And based on what I’ve heard, A Breath of Snow and Ashes (Outlander #6) makes up for what The Fiery Cross lacked.






  1. Tricia says

    Aww sorry this one wasn’t as good! Good for you for sticking with it, though! Hopefully the next is better! Is the next one the last one or how many more do you have left to read?

    • Cristina says

      I actually went in to it with an open mind because I heard it was going to be a tough one to get through. And OHMYGOD…they were right. It took me TWO weeks to get through it but I’ve already started the 6th book and enjoying so far. :) There are 8 book in the series…so if I don’t count A Breath of Snow and Ashes, I have two books left. It’s a looooooong series but totally worth it! ♥

    • Cristina says

      This is definitely the book that’s not so great. I was even discussing it with a friend and a book that’s 1400 pages that’s only sprinkled with greatness is such a disappointment but at least I have the next book to look forward to! :)

    • Cristina says

      Thanks Jeann! ♥ I know can you believe it?!?!? It’s like WTH!!! Oh well…I’ve already started book 6 and I’m happy the way it’s starting out. *wink*

  2. says

    Cristina, how do you do it? I’ve seen you reading this series for the past few weeks and I’m like ”How can she read back to back so much??” I never do that because I kinda get bored and want to try new things so, yes, I admire you. ;)) As for this series, I have book 1 in paperback but haven’t adventured in reading it yet. :P
    Lola @ Hit or Miss Books recently posted…The #TenBookChallenge TagMy Profile

    • Cristina says

      Thanks Lola!!! ♥ If I like a series, I will keep going until I’m done without any breaks or reading anything else. But if it’s a series that can’t keep me focused…forget it, I move on the next best thing. I’ve been reading Outlander for a while because these books are so freakin’ long! ;) I will keep you posted with my progress!!!


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