From Goodreads: “One thing my mother never knew, and would disapprove of most of all, was that I watched the Garretts. All the time.”
The Garretts are everything the Reeds are not. Loud, messy, affectionate. And every day from her rooftop perch, Samantha Reed wishes she was one of them . . . until one summer evening, Jase Garrett climbs up next to her and changes everything.
As the two fall fiercely for each other, stumbling through the awkwardness and awesomeness of first love, Jase’s family embraces Samantha – even as she keeps him a secret from her own. Then something unthinkable happens, and the bottom drops out of Samantha’s world. She’s suddenly faced with an impossible decision. Which perfect family will save her? Or is it time she saved herself?
A transporting debut about family, friendship, first romance, and how to be true to one person you love without betraying another.
I got the hype, you guys! I totally got the hype!
My Life Next Door was such an amazing contemporary! I couldn’t help buy eat it up as soon as I started reading it! This book was all kinds of cute, and it was about so much more than the romance!
So this book is about Samantha Reed, the girl with the supposed perfect family. She lives next door to the Garretts, who according to Sam’s mom are not perfect. However one day Jase Garrett climbs up Samantha’s balcony and irrevocably enters her life.
If there’s something I loved about this book, it was the Garretts. They were such an amazing family! It made me long for a big, messy, and loud family like them. Their dynamics were so adorable because they all helped each other out and supported each other, like a real family. Also, no matter how big the family was, each character had their own distinctive voice. I especially loved George! I want a George as my brother, lol.
“Is Jase already gonna marry you?”
I start coughing again. “Uh, No. No, George. I’m only seventeen.” As if that’s the only reason we’re not engaged.
“I’m this many.” George holds up four, slightly grubby fingers. “But Jase is seventeen and a half. You could. Then you could live in here with him. And have a big family.”
Sam was easy enough to get along with. She was very down to earth and I could really relate to her. Her issues were very real and I could feel really strongly the emotions she was.
Jase Garrett is THE BEST YA book boyfriend out there. He’s sweet, he’s kind, and he’s charming. He never had a secret agenda. He was completely adorable and I could totally see why Sam would be interested in him!
“You have to kiss me,” I find myself saying.
“Yeah.” He leans closer. “I do.”
This book has a lot of twists and turns, and it was so emotionally draining! There were moments where I was laughing, moments where I was fangirling, sad moments, and moments where I wanted to yell out in rage. I think I even cried in one part because I was so enraged at something that happened.
The only reason I didn’t give this book 5 stars was because I was left with a lot of questions at the ending. I’m hoping the sequel will address this, but still I wish it could’ve been addressed here.
Anyways, overall this book is really awesome because it’s a different kind of contemporary that deals with different realistic issues. I loved the family aspect, and the romance was completely adorable and swoon-worthy.
“In movies, it’s never half so lovely as it is here and now with Jase.”
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YAY, it’s the best thing when the hype lives up to the book, and I’m so glad this one did for you! It sounds like it was an emotional journey, Marianne! Jase sounds like such an adorable YA boyfriend and Sam sounds like she’s really relatable. Lovely review hun!
Jeann @ Happy Indulgence recently posted…Contemporary YA Reviews #1: Searching for Sky by Jillian Cantor & The Minnow by Diana Sweeney
I was so horried the hype would destroy the book for me but I’m glad it didn’t. Thanks, Jeann!
Heard so much about her cutesy contemps and ahh the covers are so adorable. Have a feeling I’d be adding her name next to Stephanie Perkins, Jennifer E. Smith, Morgan Matson etc. and all the other awesome contemporary writes… once I get down to reading her books
So glad this one didn’t disappoint you!
Alicia recently posted…BOUT OF BOOKS 11 | Sign Up + Reading Goals
I’ve read those authors, so I can tell you that yes. Her name SHOULD be written next to them. Hope you enjoy her books as well!
I purchased this book when it was on sale and it’s still on my kindle, which clearly I need to make time for. I’m so excited that you loved it because so did many other people but I’m always wary of all these glowing reviews but now…I’m bumping it up on my TBR! *throws confetti in the air*
This is one of those books where the hype really does not lie. I was wary of the reviews, too, but the romance is so darn adorable.

Marianne @ Cristina’s Book Reviews recently posted…My Life Next Door (My Life Next Door #1) by Huntley Fitzpatrick
So glad you loved this book! I loved it too! I’m like you though, I didn’t like ending — all the unanswered questions! My other complaint was the ending felt rushed. I felt like there should have been another chapter or so. Otherwise, I loved it — such a great book choc full of everything!!! Awesome review!!
Yes. It definitely felt rushed! I had whiplash, lol xD Thanks, Tricia!

Marianne @ Cristina’s Book Reviews recently posted…My Life Next Door (My Life Next Door #1) by Huntley Fitzpatrick
I think the reason why I didn’t fall head over heels for this book were the twists in the end and like you, I had WAY too many questions at the end to be happy but everything else you said was on point. Jase was frickin’ adorable (so was George) and one of the best boyfriends in YA out there! Sam was also a great female lead and so very relatable!
I am glad you enjoyed this one, Marianne!!
Lovely review!
Rashika recently posted…ARC Review: The Jewel by Amy Ewing
I can totally understand your dislike for the book. Those twists had me infuriated for a while but my love for George and Jase overcame my dislike with the twists

Marianne @ Cristina’s Book Reviews recently posted…My Life Next Door (My Life Next Door #1) by Huntley Fitzpatrick
LOL, Marianne–I glad you got the hype. I really liked this book too, and YES, the Garretts were a fantastic family. The situation that Sam was put into was AWFUL, and I was afraid of developing an ulcer while reading it. And THANKS for the heads-up about the companion book. I had no idea. Definitely will be adding that immediately–great review!
Jessica @ Rabid Reads recently posted…Review: If I Stay by Gayle Forman
I wanted to cry when Sam was put in that situation. I was so mad at everyone, especially her mother. Thanks, Jessica!
Marianne @ Cristina’s Book Reviews recently posted…My Life Next Door (My Life Next Door #1) by Huntley Fitzpatrick
It makes me so happy when books live up to the hype!
So glad to hear this one do too!
This sounds absolutely adorable and swoon-worthy in the romance department, and I can’t wait to give it a try. Thanks for sharing Marianne, and, as always, BRILLIANT review! <3
Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf recently posted…The Body in the Woods
Yes, the hype was totally what worried me. Glad to know that wasn’t the case! Definitely very adorable and swoon-worthy! Hope you enjoy it, Zoe!
I’m very picky with the contemporary I read. It’s my least favorite genre and I know how there are many duds out there, that’s why I read reviews first before getting one. It seems like MY LIFE NEXT DOOR is a pretty good read from what I can see here! And Jessica likes it, too! Pretty much everything she likes is magic in its own way XD
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