This is our first Weekly Question at Cristina’s Book Reviews and the idea came from Rabid Reads. If you don’t follow that blog, you should because they are fabulous!
Back to the question at hand…
Unfortunately, no I don’t. I actually think I read less on vacation. Vacations are relaxing and rejuvenating, they’re also busy for me. While I’m not having the usual day-to-day stress and activities, I’m still busy in a different way. We’re usually sightseeing and exploring, and there’s too much to see and do. Then at night when I usually do a lot of reading, I’m too tired from exploring or traveling to stay up too late reading or we’ve got to get up REALLY early the next day, so I can’t stay up too late. There are times when we stay with family, so we’ll spend the evening chatting and visiting with them (and I don’t want to be rude and pull out a book, LOL). Plus, we usually travel by car (we love road trips!) and I can’t read in the car anymore – gives me headaches. So, I usually end up reading less on vacation. However, I still bring a couple books with me and my Kindle – just in case!
I always read on vacation…I can’t help it but I do. And I read a lot more because I have the time but I can only do that if it’s a staycation but if it’s an actual, I’m leaving the state type thing…then no, I don’t read quite as much.
I wish I could read more on vacation, but it’s family time, so less reading. Staycations – I do read more unless we’re doing local road trips (I can’t read in the car). Thanks for sharing!
Like I said on Rabid Read’s blog, I usually read the same amount of books on vacation or not on vacation. I don’t like ignoring my family outright if we’re together, so I usually just read when I’m not doing anything (which is the same thing I do when I’m NOT on vacation). I mean vacation just gives me more time to not do anything, but I still don’t read as much.
That’s understandable & I feel the same way — don’t want to ignore my family & vacation is family time!! Thanks for sharing!!
Tricia recently posted…Weekly Question: Do You Read More While On Vacation?
I do read more usually. Only because there is usually copious amounts of beach time, pool time or before bed TV time for hubby (reading for me). In the mountains this year I finished World Without End while Adam worked some and the girls explored outside. By the way, Pillars of the Earth and World Without End are great, albeit long, epic stories.
Julie Johnson recently posted…School’s in Session for the Mermaid: Giveaway!
If we go to the beach then I can read more. But if we go to the mountains, I don’t get much reading done. We usually stay with or visit other family members, so I don’t want to ignore them (even though sometimes I have reading withdrawals). Or there’s too many sights or things to explore!! Thanks for stopping by!!
Oh, I haven’t read either of those books, but the next epic & long ones I read will probably be more in the Outlander series!!
Thanks for the shout out, and the love!
I read less on vacay as well because it’s usually about spending time with loved ones, and unfortunately I can’t do that with my nose stuck in a book, so I usually take a break from e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g—work, blogging, reading… Great job on your first Q post; I look forward to reading many more! 

Carmel @ Rabid Reads recently posted…Getting Creative & Dangerous About Action Scenes with Jaye Wells + Giveaway #StompvsRomp
Oh thanks for stopping by! I feel the same way — vacation means a break from everything!! Even though I sometimes get the urge to stay up late & read on vacation, I remind myself about family time & how exhausted I’ll be the next day!! Thanks for the love & for sharing!!
I used to read more during vacations, but now, I find myself watching more TV series than reading.

Dre @ Sporadic Reads recently posted…Review 194 : Laika In Lisan by Maron Anrow
Ooh that’s another thing I end up doing less on vacation — watching TV!! It’s not planned, but we just end up too busy or too tired to watch TV. Thanks for stopping by!!
Really? That’s interesting. I actually read MUCH MUCH more on vacation, Tricia.
Because during the school year well…it’s school so I have a lot of homework and stuff. Although, the fact that I don’t read that much during the school year actually makes me enjoy more reading. I think. But I still read books that I don’t enjoy at all and stuff. 

Lola recently posted…Review of A Safe Space (Somebody Else’s Fairytale #4) by E.M. Tippetts
I get that, but I’m the opposite, LOL. I read more during the school year because my kiddos are in school, so I have a little extra time to myself. During the summer and on vacations, we spend more time together — so less reading for me. I still take my Kindle and a few books with me on vacation, but I never read as much as I think I’m going to. Thanks for sharing!!!
That’s so true Tricia, I always think I’m going to read a lot because I’ll have the time, but I’m a busy traveller as well! I like to fill up my days for sightseeing and things to do hehe. The only time I read a lot is in transit, on the plane and the buses and whatnot

Jeann @ Happy Indulgence recently posted…Contemporary YA Reviews #1: Searching for Sky by Jillian Cantor & The Minnow by Diana Sweeney
Yep, that’s me! I can’t read while in transit though, or at least not while in a car (our trips are usually road trips by car). I used to could read in a traveling car, but now it gives me bad headaches. Weird. Anyway, thanks for sharing!!
I don’t really read that much during vacation because it’s a vacation to explore different places I”ve never been before and have fun. If I do I’ll read when I get to the airport and on the plane. But usually vacation days we try to do as much as we can and I’m wiped out by the end of the day. Haha. =)))
Mariya @ Mystifying Paranormal Reviews recently posted…Review: Armed & Dangerous by Abigail Roux
Yep, that’s pretty much how it is for me too! I love reading, but I’m usually too busy on vacation (& don’t have much alone time) to read! Thanks for sharing!!!