How to Kill a Rock Star by Tiffanie DeBartolo

how to kill a rockstarFrom goodreads: Written in her wonderfully honest, edgy, passionate and often hilarious voice, Tiffanie DeBartolo tells the story of Eliza Caelum, a young music journalist, and Paul Hudson, a talented songwriter and lead singer of the band Bananafish. Eliza’s reverence for rock is equaled only by Paul’s, and the two fall wildly in love.
When Bananafish is signed by a big corporate label, and Paul is on his way to becoming a major rock star, Eliza must make a heartbreaking decision that leads to Paul’s sudden disappearance and a surprise knock-your-socks-off ending.


“For what it’s worth, I think happiness is a fleeting condition, not a permanent state of goddamn mind. I’ve learned that if you chase after moments of bliss here and there, sometimes those moments will sustain you through the shit.”

How to Kill a Rock Star delivers on every possible level and I mean, it had everything I needed! The writing is stellar, characters filled with complexity and depth, so much information about music that I had to google a few songs and just enough angst to make you hold your heart in your hands!

“Sometimes I would open my eyes when we were kissing, I would watch him and I could see it. I could actually see LOVE – not words, not an emotion, not an abstract concept or a subjective state of mind, but a living, breathing thing.”

And because I always have a “but”…here it goes, my only gripe with the story is the ending felt rushed, almost anticlimactic of sorts.  It was such a build up to that moment that it was all resolved way too quickly and honestly, I’m not sure that it could have been done any other way but it still felt rushed.  With that being said, I loved this story and I loved Paul and Eliza but Paul and his tape recorder was absolute genius!  Could he be any more perfect?!?! *sigh*

“Break my heart? Is that what you just said? I have news for you; you didn’t break my heart. My heart’s fine. My heart’s in the best shape of its life. You know what you did to me? You took an AK-47 and blew my soul open.”

Rest assured our heroine is smart, a bit on the awkward side but at no moment in time  does she come across as insecure, needy or clouded by the Cinderella syndrome.  There were a few times her actions made me cringe and I found myself yelling NOOOOOOOOOOO but I loved everything about her and her internal dialogue with regards to Lucy and Feldman had me laughing out loud.

“Note to self: Always remember how lucky you are to wake up next to someone who  thinks you’re the shit.”

Tiffanie DeBartolo has the amazing ability to write profound stories about life and the complexities of questioning our own existence.  I’m always able to connect to the characters she creates on a very personal level and that doesn’t happen to me very often.

“Lying next to Eliza, I had the feeling I had I’d just found something I didn’t even know I’d lost.”

How To Kill A Rock Star is a compelling and an entertaining story filled with beautifully flawed characters. If you are a fan of stories that can be somewhat quirky, filled with emotional highs and lows…I promise that you will love this book!



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