Life sucks for orphans Callum Tate and Harper Bailey.
Kicked out of their foster homes because they suffer the ‘eighteen disease’ with nothing but a hundred dollar check from the government and a pat on the back, they’re forced to rely on a system that failed them miserably.
So they sit. They sit inside Social Services, waiting for their social workers to call their names and offer them the miracle they know will never come but they sit anyway because they have nowhere else to go, no other options on their very literal and figurative empty plates.
But as they sit, they notice the other. Although captivated, they each come to the conclusion that life is complicated enough without throwing in a boiling tension that can’t ever be acted upon because they’re both too busy thinking about where their next meal will come from but when their names are called and both are placed on a year long waiting list for permanent housing, suddenly relying on each other seems like a very viable plan B.
And, oh, how lovely Plan B’s can be.
Well, except for the psycho from Harper’s past that haunts her and, oh, yeah, there’s the little issue that neither of them knows they’re in love with the other.
Needless to say, Callum & Harper’s life just got a bit more complicated.
“One day, you and I are gonna’ wake up and be alright. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but one day. One day. I promise you.” – Callum Tate
Everyone should experience a Callum at least once in their lifetime. He’s by far one of the sweetest male characters I’ve encountered and the patience he has, simply tugs at your heart-strings. And what’s not to love about Harper? She’s been to hell and back but she’s so vulnerable and while she tries to seem all bad-ass…she’s broken and wants to be loved. The supporting characters are full of awesomeness in their own right, from Charlie to Cherry, I loved them all!! It’s such a sweet story that I couldn’t put the book down.
The two concerns I had with the book was how quickly they fell in love and the dialogue. In the beginning the dialogue was a bit distracting because they didn’t really seem like a couple of kids from the city, instead I had a feeling that they were from somewhere in England. I could be way off but that’s my perception based on certain words and phrases. Clearly I was able to move past that.
Moving on, back to what I love about this book. There is so much that I love that I don’t know where to really start. This is a story about foster kids and how they age out of the system. It’s a story about survival. It’s a story about hope. Most importantly it’s a story about love.
There are so many misunderstandings and so much pent-up sexual tension that I wanted to reach through the book and slap someone. Let’s call it missed opportunities. And the innocence. There is so much innocence with Callum and Harper that it made sense for the relationship to take it’s time, as frustrating as that might have been.
The story is told from the POV of Callum and Harper, allowing the reader to understand where he/she is coming from and it made the story flow quite smoothly. The drama that ensues due to Harper’s former foster family is WOW and creepy all at the same time! Was it a little over the top? Yes but who the hell cares because it was great!
So much happens in this book that it’s tough to write a review without giving away spoilers. But I will share this, there is a scene where Callum is caring for Harper (you’ll know what I’m referring to when you read it) and oh my word, it’s so tender and beautiful that I think I melted. *sigh*
“One day, you and I are gonna wake up and be alright. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but one day. One day. I promise you.” I know what you’re thinking and yes, he’s my new book boyfriend.
My final two cents: Why are you reading my review when you should be reading the book!!!
Can’t wait to read this. I dowmloaded this one and the 2nd one (which I can’t recall the name for the life of me) two weeks ago.
It’s such a sweet story and I want to find my very own Callum.
Let me know what you think after you read it!
Glad you liked this! I really loved how Fisher incorporated music into the story. Whenever I listen to Barcelona, I totally think of Callum and Harper. It’s not a perfect story, but it really does touch something in you as the reader, that’s for sure!
“Thomas and January” is the next book in this series. Tie-Dye Tom!
I can’t wait to read that book (YAY to tie-dye Tom). Again, thank you for all the recommendations!!
where can I get this book apart from Amazon?
Hi there! I so loved that book. Anyway, it’s available at B& — I also tried and the book depository but nothing came up. Are you trying to purchase the book? Do you live outside the US?? I want to help you locate this book but I might need a little more information. You can also PM if you like.
Hi, yes I want to purchase the book but stumble upon some obstacle. I’ve tried everywhere but only amazon and B&N have both the paperback and ebooks. I lived across the continent so shipping is an issue for me, the cost took me twice than the normal do which is took a lot – I could buy 2 -3 books with it. Ebooks didnt work also, amazon didn’t sell it to my country..