***Warning*** (This book contains several aspects of the uglier side of life; it is not for everyone.)
The story of Deuce and Eva…
An undeniable connection that stands the test of time.
Unforgettable moments.
Love and pain and everything in between.
I was five years old when I met Deuce, he was twenty-three, and it was visiting day at Riker’s Island. My father, Damon Fox or “Preacher”, the President of the infamous “Silver Demon’s” motorcycle club -mother chapter- in East Village, New York City, was doing a five-year stint for aggravated assault and battery with a deadly weapon. It was not the first time my father had been in prison and it wouldn’t be the last. The Silver Demon’s MC was a notorious group of criminals who lived by the code of the road and gave modern society and all it entailed a great big f**k you.
“Never forget the day Eva came bouncin’ into my f**ked up life, shakin’ pigtails, singin’ Janis, wearin’ chucks and sharin’ peanuts and straight up stole any decency I had left which wasn’t a whole lot but she f**kin’ took it and I’ve been hers ever since.”
Normally when I read a book I can tell by the first few chapters if I will like it or not but sometimes there are exceptions because the decision takes a little longer as I get further into the story. However, I was 80% done with the book and I still hadn’t made up my mind if I liked it or not. I finished the book yesterday in the late afternoon and it took me a few hours to decipher what I was feeling and what my decision was about the overall story. Then it hit me.
I wasn’t “in like” and I wasn’t “in love” with the story but I certainly loved it a lot. It’s more than like and not quite head over heels but somewhere in between those two feelings. Haven’t you ever gone out with some guy and you’ve been more than “in like” with him but you aren’t “in love” with him enough to keep dating BUT you know that you do care for him a great deal. That’s how I was able to quantify my feelings for this book.
It’s raw, gritty, disturbing and I simply couldn’t put this book down. It’s like driving on the highway, seeing an accident and you start to slow down because you can’t help the fact that you WANT to see what the hell happened. This is that kind of book. I did have two issues with the story, the treatment of women and how the relationship starts between Deuce and Eva. I guess “issues” isn’t the right word, a more fitting word would be disturbing but I suppose that’s their world and that makes it okay (I think).
The story flows incredibly well throughout the book and the way Madeline Sheehan transitions from one time frame to another is brilliant. Every character had their own messed up history to make them who they are and then there is Eva who creates it all on her own. There were so many times when I wanted to reach through the book and slap Eva repeatedly because she was a train wreck waiting to happen.
I’m going to admit the fact that I am totally attracted to Deuce. Even though he came across as a total brute and a jack-off at times, there was something very loveable about him. Don’t judge me too harshly but that’s how I feel about him!
“Whatever this shit is between us it’s always been there and it’s always gonna be there. I’m shit-fuckin’-tired tryin’ to ignore it. I’ll try to do right by you Eva, you’d be the first, but I’ll fuckin’ try my damndest. And baby, true freedom is the open road, the wind on your face and a good woman on the back of your bike holdin’ you tight like you’re her reason for breathin’ because she sure as fuck is yours.” I know, I know…it’s a total panty-dropping quote!
My final two cents: I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I have no regrets. If you can handle it…you won’t be disappointed.
Perfectly put!!! I was just as confused well more like mixed feelings so to say with their relationship but at the end exactly Deuce can be so “poetic” at times that you cant help but fall in love
Thank you! I’m glad I took the risk with this book but it’s definitely not for those that will be easily offended!
Ohhh how I love this book! Its everything I love in a great story!