Jack and Lexi never had a typical relationship. After 2 years without speaking, she receives a phone call that changes everything. He unexpectedly asks her to convince the new girl, Bekah, that he’s ready to commit. Jack is calling now after everything they had been through because there is another woman. She can’t believe it. Follow Lexi in this heart wrenching drama as she relives her past relationship, or lack thereof, with Jack, and not just in her own mind, but to his fiance-to-be. Throw in Bekah’s hot brother who always seems to be in the right place at the right time, a past with more secrets to unravel than you can even imagine, and you get a recipe for disaster. Find out what happens to Lexi as she travels to Atlanta to get the closure she so desperately desires from Jack, and how the bumps of life seem to keep getting in the way.
HOLY DYSFUNCTIONAL COUPLE OF THE YEAR!!! Lexi was a hot mess throughout this entire story but I couldn’t help but feel bad for her. Jack is to Lexi what crack is to an addict! They love each other and they hate each other. They love each other a little more and they hate each other a little more. UGHHHH!!! The constant back and forth between these two people was absolutely exhausting but even so, I read this book in one night. I thoroughly enjoyed it! The first two chapters were a little slow to get the story going but once it did, there was no stoppin’ the freight train filled with angst! Choo-choo!
Lexi was absolutely blinded by her love for Jack and she forgave him every time and I cringed when she did. And the physical relationship is so hot-hot-hot! Seriously, it’s hot! All I am going to say is…brick wall! I want my very own brick wall moment without the torment! I should be so damn lucky! I will never look at a brick wall the same way, ever! Like EVER.
K. A. Linde has you thinking you want Jack to stay in the picture and she wants you to believe he has redeeming qualities but then she pulls the rug from under you and you have no idea what to think next. But two words come to mind for Jack. Yes, just two. DOUCHE-BAG.
Can we talk about Bekah for a moment?? GAH!!!! I wanted to slap AND poke her in the eye, repeatedly!!! *sigh* There, now I feel a little bit better.
Normally I love the push and pull between a soon-to-be couple but in this case I wanted Lexi to drop Jack like a bad habit and run to the gorgeous and delicious Ramsey with his mega watt smile. And just when I thought Lexi was broken beyond repair and absolutely confused, how wrong I was. Guuurrrrl let me just say, I am woman, hear me roar!!! Hells ya!!! Woot-woot!!
By the time I was done reading Avoiding Commitment, I was exhausted and totally ready for more!
Is it hea?
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