From goodreads: Katy knows the world changed the night the Luxen came.
She can’t believe Daemon welcomed his race or stood by as his kind threatened to obliterate every last human and hybrid on Earth. But the lines between good and bad have blurred, and love has become an emotion that could destroy her—could destroy them all.
Daemon will do anything to save those he loves, even if it means betrayal.
They must team with an unlikely enemy if there is any chance of surviving the invasion. But when it quickly becomes impossible to tell friend from foe, and the world is crumbling around them, they may lose everything— even what they cherish most—to ensure the survival of their friends…and mankind.
War has come to Earth. And no matter the outcome, the future will never be the same for those left standing.
This series is like a guilty pleasure for me. There’s a decent amount of humor coupled with action and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every book, some more than others. And who doesn’t love a good alien romance story? *raises hand*
When other book friends ask me if it’s a series that will blow their mind…it’s like, ummmm, no? I always feel like it’s a trick question, you know? I don’t think that every book experience needs to be a mind altering one but it can be, simply put…fun.
There were plenty of moments about Opposition that I loved and other parts that I felt were weak because it felt too simple. I think the part that bugged me the most was the subplot with reference to Dee. Her dialogue and actions felt a little out of left field and it didn’t really add richness to the story so it felt unnecessary. Also, the ending felt rushed. Like really rushed and I hate that.
As far as things that worked: I loved that Luxen and Arum were able to work together for a greater good because that was AWESOME. Katy is just a little spitfire who doesn’t disappoint and those moments with Daemon?? Loved it. Luc was probably my favorite supporting character and I thought he could have been in the spotlight a tad bit more but that’s just me. *shrugs*
“We were supposed to have tonight and tomorrow, and many weeks and months, but we didn’t have even another minute.”
If you are in between books and have no idea what to read next, you might want to take a gamble on this one. And what’s better than reading a completed series in one sitting? That’s right, nothing.
LOL, Cristina–“That’s right, nothing.”<—–TRUE STORY. And this is one series I will be doing that with SOON. Yeah, I've read the first few, but it's been years, and you know me . . . I do love my rereads
Glad you liked it, and get ready to DISCUSS when I am done! Fabulous review, my love.
Jessica @ Rabid Reads recently posted…Review: Storm Front by Jim Butcher
Thanks Jessica!! ♥♥♥
And I’m so ready to discuss this series with you…can’t wait!
Freaking out because DAEMON!! This book is also like a guilty pleasure for me. Some readers are asking me, “YOU LIKE THAT? YOU? WHYY” Lol, I don’t care, I love ittt
I have to read the fifth book first though
I stopped there because I loathe waiting, but now that Opposition is out…
Thanks, Cristina! Awesome review!
Thanks Paula!!! ♥
I can’t handle when other readers judge what I read! *eye roll* But yes, DAEMON! He really is all sorts of awesome and fantastic! *dreamy sigh* Can’t wait for you to read the final book!
Yes, this book didn’t “blow my mind”, but it was a fun fun fun read, so I definitely love this series! I am looking forward to reading this. If only my mind permits it. I’ve been reading less and less for the past weeks. A lot distract me from reading. Anyway, I wonder what that is about Dee. I will probably read this in the next few weeks.
Dre @ Sporadic Reads recently posted…Book Tour + Review 192 : Dangerous Boys by Abigail Haas
That’s what I think of when I hear LUX Series is fun!
I think you’ll enjoy it because it’s good for in between reads…at least that’s how it was for me. And you know Dre…life happens and books will always be close by when you are ready to read again. ♥
I frigging love this series! I need to read Opposition, though. I am glad you liked it!! I’m hoping we get a lot of Archer in this one because I have a crush on him.
Megan @ Reading Books Like a Boss recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday #17 â Screwdrivered by Alice Clayton
LOL…I know the feeling and that’s how I feel about Luc. He’s a bit twisted but that’s how I like my fictional characters! *shrugs*
I figure some people *will* find this series mindblowing but for me.. after the first two books the charm kind of wore off. I am still trying to make up my mind about this book because I want to know what will happen but at the same time.. I am wondering if it’s worth putting up with all the things that won’t work out for me. Reading Origin was HARD. Here is to hoping that when/if I read Opposition, it’ll be a lot more tolerable and a lot more satisfying!
I am glad you ended up enjoying this one, Cristina!
And even if you had a couple of issues, I am glad that in the end the last book didn’t let you down 
Lovely review, hon!

Rashika recently posted…ARC Review + PH Giveaway: Dangerous Boys by Abigail Haas
Rashika my friend…I know exactly where you are coming from. Not every book was a winner and there are moments that are a bit OTT but overall, I found it fun and enjoyable. I enjoy the lightness of it because even the heavy parts don’t seem that heavy and it’s the perfect series while you are in between books, at least that’s how it worked out for me.
I keep seeing this series but the “alien” factor keeps me from reading it. I know, I know, I know!! I enjoy paranormal & some sci/fi, but the alien aspect is such a turn off for me. I don’t know why, it just is, LOL! But you usually have great recommendations & I love fun books, so I may just have to give this series a try — if I can just get past the alien thing.
Awesome review, thanks for sharing!!
Tricia recently posted…Weekly Question: Do You Read More While On Vacation?
LOL…you aren’t the first to tell me that Tricia!! But these aliens, I think you would enjoy them. It’s light and fun but even the somewhat heavy isn’t really heavy, you know? It’s fun, not AUH-MAZING but just good banter and action. Remember to start with the novella if you do decide to read it. *crosses fingers*
Hmm…I’m honestly not sure what to think of this one. It sounds like such a wonderful book, but the fact that it didn’t necessarily blow your mind makes me wonder what I’d think about it. Even so, it does sound like a fun read despite the fact that it isn’t exactly the best book ever written. Wonderful review Cristina, and, as always, BRILLIANT review! <3
P.S. I thought this was fantasy at first, but now I realize it’s actually sci-fi. #Fail

Zoe @ The Infinite To-Read Shelf recently posted…The Girl With All the Gifts
Thank you Zoe! ♥ It’s fun and it won’t blow your mind. If you go into this series knowing that…you won’t be disappointed.
#neverfail #zoealwayswinning 
Woohoo, guilty pleasure?
I think my guilty pleasures are M/M romances since I don’t read them super oftem but LOVE THEM. I’m glad you enjoyed this (final
) book even though you thoughts it was simple at moments. Lovely enthusiastic review (I say that a lot, huh? Coz your reviews are so much fun!) So, huum, yeah I read the first 2 books but I still have more to get to this one but excited anyway. 

Lola recently posted…Review of A Safe Space (Somebody Else’s Fairytale #4) by E.M. Tippetts
You are way too good to me. ♥
M/M Romances are absolutely fabulous but I never have a chance to read a ton of them and clearly I need to make time!
This series is just fun…I’m not sure that I know any other way to put it. Maybe another good word is fluffy too. 
Michelle read this recently and she said it was good, sounds like it’s kind of a fluffy read but how annoying how sometimes it is too simple! Awesome review Cristina! I like how fiesty Katy is, hehe.
Jeann @ Happy Indulgence recently posted…Contemporary YA Reviews #1: Searching for Sky by Jillian Cantor & The Minnow by Diana Sweeney
Thanks Jeann! It is a fluffy read and one that’s perfect when you are in between books.
As much as I love this series and JLA, I was hoping for just a little bit more for the conclusion … Luc was a favorite of mine as well, can we just have a whole book about him
But I’m sad it’s all over

Malia (Romance Schmomance) recently posted…Release Day // Tyler’s Undoing by L.P. Dover
Honestly, I enjoyed it but I wasn’t in love with it the way I was with the first few books in the series. I agree with you…more of a conclusion would have been better but hopefully JLA will give us more books to love, which I don’t doubt one bit.